Sentry Project Management

 (c) 2005-2014 Sentry Project Management Pty Ltd







Sentry Customers

SentryPM has provided products, management consulting, design consulting and training services to the following organisations.

Infineon Technologies, one of the world's leading semiconductor suppliers and a leader in smart card technology. Sentry provided market analysis to Infineon.

Keycorp, the dominant Australian-based supplier of EFT point-of-service equipment. Sentry licenced high-security authentication software to Keycorp, developed other high-security software under contract, and provided test services for Keycorp products.

MasterCard International, a credit card brand that is instantly recognized world-wide. Sentry provided training to MasterCard customers on cryptographic application design for high-security environments.

Security Plastics, an emerging Asia-Pacific supplier of identity and financial cards. Sentry provided industry analysis to Security Plastics.

Telstra, Australia's major telecommunications carrier. Sentry provided authentication tokens to telstra to support their secure communications with government agencies.

StepNexus, a US-based high-security IT provider. Sentry provided authentication token software to StepNexus.

CCS International, an Australian biotechnology startup. Sentry provided project management and design services to CCS.

Ecoult, a provider of MW-scale battery energy storage systems. Sentry provided early-stage technical market analysis to Ecoult.