Brian has worked
in the IT industry for 15 years with specific expertise in the
areas of Project Management and Product Marketing. Brian has
a Degree in Engineering, received his PhD from the University
of New South Wales in 1983 and followed this with two years of
post-doctoral research at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Brian's
career has ranged from research through to General Manager of
a corporate business unit.
Brian led the team that developed
the Keycorp
MULTOS V4 smart-card system. MULTOS is one of the first industry-wide
standards for multi-application smartcard systems and the Keycorp
MULTOS achieved the highest-level E6 classification under the
ITSEC security evaluation scheme. This invaluable security experience
together with Brian's history in general management and marketing
is enabling Sentry in it's ambition to provide highest-quality
security services.