(c) 2005 Sentry Project Management Pty Ltd







Security Services

  • Technical Services for efficient product development or sourcing
    - Application development services for MULTOS smartcards and JavaCard
    download MULTOS 2004 training brochure - requires Adobe Acrobat Reader, see sentryPM support for directions.
    - Security evaluation of MULTOS and JavaCard applications.
    - Design consulting on IT design for security up to the highest ITSEC E6 levels. How should security design be integrated into conventional design methods?
    - Security assessment of existing designs. Do it as early as possible.
    - Training packages on smartcards and authentication. When are hardware tokens and smartcards relevant?
    - Training packages on production/personalisation of smartcards. How can production time (and cost) be reduced?
  • Business Services for the full product lifecycle of IT development
    - Market/Product Research, especially IT security.
    - Business Case development and evaluation of existing cases.
    - Decision support for sourcing of the different components of IT authentication and smartcard projects.
    - Project Management training for IT projects.
    - Project evaluation of existing projects.
  • Need more information? see sentryPM support